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Puan Heng Ee How 

Chairperson of the Centre of Agriculture and Entrepreneurship Research 


The Centre of Agriculture and Entrepreneurship Research aims to strengthen research development (R&D), provide consultancy services, and produce impactful solutions in any field requiring the expertise of academics. The centre strives to establish collaborative partnerships with industries, academics, government, and non-government organizations to promote, conduct, facilitate, or support research activities, collaboration, and projects among academic staff and stakeholders to advance the fields. To foster a strong culture of consulting and research & development (R&D) inside the branch, the Centre will also provide pertinent training, workshops, and seminars relating to these topics to our staff, students, and other stakeholders.


1. To promote, conduct, facilitate, or support research activities, collaboration, and

projects among the academic staff and stakeholders.

2. To facilitate collaboration and foster relationships between researchers and other

organizations, including other institutions/industries/agencies.

3. To identify and engage external/internal experts or mentors to advise and/or the

research team.

4. To support/manage/advise the activities of any research team or projects and to foster

and develop internal and external networks.

5. To engage in any matters related to research or tasks. 


TAR UMT Research Symposium 2023



The Implementation of Mobile Application Ordering System to Optimize The User Experience of Food and Beverage

TAR UMT Johor Staff: Yet Huat Sam, Pui Huang Leong, Cheng Fui Ku Citation: Sam, Y. H., Leong, P. H., & Ku, C. F. (2023). The implementation of mobile application ordering system to optimize the user experience of food and beverage industry. 2023 IEEE 14th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC). doi:10.1109/icsgrc57744.2023.10215430

Recent Developments in Aquaculture - A Review

TAR UMT Johor Staff: Amin Safwan Adnan (10.2478/aoas-2023-0044)

Innovative Approaches and Trend in Using TikTok in Language Learning

TAR UMT Johor Staff: Heng Ee How ( - newsletter

Growth, leaf quality and epidermal bladder cell size of ice plant (Mesembrtanthemum crystallinum L.) under different concentrations of nutrient treatment and LED height treatment.

Crayfish Research: A Global Scientometric Analysis Using CiteSpace


Biofloc technology in improving shellfish aquaculture production

TAR UMT Johor Staff: Amin Safwan Adnan (

Growth, sex reversal pattern, and reproductive characteristics of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) broodstock candidates

reared in floating cages

TAR UMT Johor Staff: Amin Safwan Adnan (

The Effect Of Flow Rate On Physicochemical And Microbial Properties Of Aerated Compost Using Spent Mushroom

Substrate And Cow Manure.



混农林业图解指南 (Lotufo & Trevelin, Translation). An illustrated guide to agroforestry. (Original work published 2019)


Zombie Survival Optimization in Solving University Examination Timetabling Problem

Author: Fong Cheng Weng,

Co-Authors: Hishamuddin Asmuni, Leong Pui Huang, Sam Yet Huat, Pang Yee Yong, Sim Hiew Moi

The role of teacher associations during the pandemic: Building collaborative networks and communities of practice

 Dr. Latha Ravindran ,  Heng Ee How  , Thinusha A/P Selvaraj,   Shee Yuen Ling

The Effect of the Financial Reward of Restaurant Employees towards Job Satisfaction During Covid-19 Pandemic

Muhammad Syazwan Rosli, Tuan Ahmad Tuan Ismail, Mohd Zain bin Kutut & Hamizad Abd Hadi

Survival analysis for the identified cancer gene subtype from the co-clustering algorithm

Logenthiran Machap, Kohbalan Moorthy

PhD students are at the stage of preparing their research proposals

 Zheng Jiao, Liu Na,, Wang Jing, Wang Chao, Yun Jie,  Qi Ji

Motivation and self-regulated learning among university students from different disciplines

Heng Ee How & Assistant Prof. Dr. Nadya Supian

Gonad Quality of Banana Shrimp Male Broodstock Penaeus merguiensis (DeMan, 1888) Fed Different Natural Diets

Authors: Nurul Amirah Matmor, Hidayah Manan, Nor Azman Kasan, Mohamad Jalilah, Adnan Amin-Safwan, Mhd Ikhwanuddin

Exploring The Causes of Fear of Foreign Language Learning

Derwina Daud, Chong Peng Hwa, Haryati Ahmad, Heng Ee How, Zeng Jincheng, Aminabibi Saidalvi

Exploring Social Cognitive Learning in The Online Learning Environment

Shamsatun Nahar Ahmad, Thahira Bibi TKM Thangal, Faridah Najuna Misman, Nurhazirah Mohamad Yunos, Nur Idayu Alimon, Heng Ee How

Arthropod Communities on Sonneratia caseolaris along Selangor River, Kampung Kuantan, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia

Authors: Nurul Aina Adnan, Mamat Nur-Syahirah, Dzulhelmi Muhammad Nasir, Nur-Athirah Abdullah, Lailatul-Nadhirah Asri, Muhammad Faiz Zakaria, Adnan Amin-Safwan, Surzanne Mohd Agos, Wan Juliana Wan Ahmad, Maimon Abdullah, Norela Sulaiman, Faszly Rahim


The importance of data classification using machine learning methods in microarray data

Author: Kohbalan Moorthy  Co-authors: Logenthiran Machap, Aws Naser Jab, Safaai Deris

The Evaluation of User Experience Testing for Retrieval-based Model and Deep Learning Conversational Agent

Author: Leong Pui Huang, 

Co-authors: Goh Ong Sing, Yogan Jaya Kumar, Sam Yet Huat, Fong Cheng Weng

Studies on  Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Pen insular Malaysia III: New species for  the Schismatoglottis Calyptrata Clade.  

Author: Wong Sin Yeng  Co-authors: Peter C Boyce, Hoe Yin Chen

Effect of Cymbopogon citratus Essential Oil (EO) on Handling Stress in Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)

Author: Wan Noazira Wan Adnan, Co- authors:Nurul Ulfah Karim, Nor Asma Husna Yusoff, Mohd Ihwan Zakariah and

Marina Hassan

Anaesthetic Efficiency of Cymbopogon citratus Essential Oil and Clove Oil on Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Author:Hoe Yin Chen Co-author:Marc Gibernau, Wong Sin Yeng


Thermogenesis in four species of Schismatoglottis Calyptrata Clade (Schismatoglottideae: Araceae)

Author:Hoe Yin Chen Co-author:Marc Gibernau, Wong Sin Yeng

Item Analysis for the Modified Version of Adolescent Parenting Attitude Four Factor Questionnaire Using Rasch Measurement Model

Author:Vincent Woo Ming Wei,Co-author:Yeo Kee Jiar

IoT based Vehicle Carbon Monoxide Monitoring, Alerting and Controlling System

Author: Kohbalan Moorthy  Co-authors: Logenthiran Machap, Goh Siew Yen

Deep Learning for Conversational Agent via Context Question Answering Model

Author:Leong Pui Huang,Co-author:Goh Ong Sing, Yogan Jaya Kumar